感谢各位热爱插画的人士支持及参与「Art on Climate」国际插画比赛,比赛已经圆满结束。







“Art on Climate”国际插画比赛由十点子有限公司主办,安联投资赞助,目的是唤起各界对纾缓气候变化的关注。


比赛主题: 气候变化
参赛资格: 18岁或以上*所有地区人士均可参与
报名时间︰ 2024年5月20日7月31日(包括首尾两天)
公布得奖名单︰ 2024年9月30日或之前
奖项︰ 有机会赢取高达2,000欧元*
参赛费用︰ 免费

* 详情请浏览条款及细则


首届”Art on Climate”国际插画比赛于2019年在西班牙举行,2021年扩展到亚太地区,并于2022年走向全球。在2023年,比赛吸引了来自100多个地区,超过1,600名插画家提交超过2,800份作品。延续去年的成功,“气候的艺术”插画比赛在2024年继续在亚太区举办,邀请插画家与学界展现才华,向世界各地推广应对气候变化的重要性。

赞助机构安联投资自20多年前已是全球可持续投资领域的先驱,一直致力提倡可持续发展,并体现在我们的使命及决策当中。自2007年,安联投资成为联合国”负责任投资原则”(UN PRI)的签署成员。我们致力寻求符合可持续发展原则并有助应对全球性挑战的投资方案。我们深信此举不但有助于推动金融领域的正面变革,同时能为我们的客户和社会创造长久价值。与今年的插画比赛主题相呼应,我们诚挚的邀请各位加入,携手缔造更美好的未来。



  1. 建设强韧社区 适应气候变化
  2. 爱护地球 确定承载极限
  3. 创造长期价值 促进包容性资本主义
  4. 应用科技 拥抱创新方案
  5. 携手行动 应对气候变化
  • 参赛作品必须为参赛者以个人名义提交的原创作品,并须配合比赛主题
  • 每名参赛者最多可提交三份参赛作品
  • 参赛作品不得于参加本比赛前被发表或作其他用途,不得曾获奖项、或正在参加其他比赛评选
  • 不可于作品上添加签名,或任何能识别参赛者身份的文字、符号或图片。
  • 参赛作品必须为彩色平面
  • 创作媒介不限(如手绘、电脑绘画、混合素材),但不接受任何使用人工智能生成的创作,禁止使用照片或电脑软件上的图案/剪贴画(clip art)
  • 参赛作品的尺寸必须为A3(297毫米x 420毫米),直、横式均可
  • 参赛作品格式必须为JPG,分辨率不低于300 dpi,文件大小不超过10MB
  • 每份作品请提交一段文字说明(最少30字,最多100字)

游勇先生为十点子有限公司创办人、”Art on Climate”国际插画比赛的主办机构负责人。




Benny Lau 是一位屡获殊荣的设计师,涉猎多个领域,既是一位经验丰富的绘本画师,也是独具创意的绘本作者。

Benny 还是一位活跃的创意教育工作者和社会创新设计师,他是”澳门儿童馆”的共同创办人,也创立了”好一天绘本见”社区发展项目。





她在上海成立了自己的工作室 – 祉涧视觉艺术工作室,主营广告插图、主视觉插图、概念插图等插画设计,以及插画为主的品牌视觉设计。




# 评审团将根据总分为100分的评分标准,选出最高分数的53名得奖者,当中最高分数者将依次获得冠军、亚军和季军,其余50名将获优异奖

如有任何疑问,请联络主办机构 – 十点子有限公司︰artonclimate@fingertips.hk

  1. 参赛者必须在报名表格上提供真实和正确的资料,如被认为有失实或遗漏,十点子有限公司(”主办机构”)保留权利取消其参赛作品的参赛资格。
  2. 参赛者于2024年5月19日当日的年龄须为18岁或以上,才符合资格参赛。
  3. 安联环球投资亚太有限公司(”赞助机构”)及/或其关联公司、主办机构及/或其关联公司的员工,及与该等员工居住在同一住所的人士,均不能参赛。
  4. 参赛作品必须为参赛者以个人名义提交及从未发表的原创作品。如参赛作品被主办机构认为涉及抄袭、著作版权侵犯及/或违法行为,其参赛资格将被取消。
  5. 主办机构保留全权及绝对酌情权作出判断,如参赛作品包含危险、粗俗、冒犯、不雅、淫秽、非法、种族主义、色情、暴力、诽谤、贬低、不适当、有争议,或政治宣传的内容,将被取消参赛资格。
  6. 参加比赛的风险由参赛者自行承担。在法律允许的范围内,主办机构和赞助机构均不会对参赛者或任何第三方,因由比赛引起或相关,及/或因接受奖品而遭受的任何损害、损失、责任、成本、费用或索赔(无论是合同、侵权或其他方式)承担任何责任。
  7. 参赛费用全免,惟所有涉及之制作及提交作品等费用一概由参赛者承担。
  8. 每名参赛者最多可提交三份作品,但最多只能获得其中一项奖项。额外提交或逾期提交的作品将不获受理。
  9. 作品一经提交,任何情况下均不能更换。
  10. 不完整、难以辨认、误导或逾期提交的参赛作品将不获受理。发送证明不会被视为送达或收据的证明。对于不完整、由于技术原因丢失、损坏、延迟、错误提交或因任何原因未收到的参赛作品,主办机构不承担任何责任。
  11. 如主办机构认为参赛者显然以任何方式规避上述条款及细则,例如但不限于使用多个电子邮件帐户、多次复制或电脑合成作品、使用多个身份、欺诈性地伪造数据、涉及欺诈或不诚实行为,或以其他方式违反条款及细则,参赛者将被取消参赛资格,任何获得奖品的权利将无效。
  12. 比赛结果以评审团之最后决定为准,参赛者不得异议。主办机构保留全权及绝对酌情权,以撤销参赛者或参赛作品的参赛资格,及/或撤回奖品。
  13. 比赛结果将于2024年9月30日或之前公布,主办机构将透过参赛者在报名时提供的电邮地址通知得奖者。参赛者须提供有效电邮地址,因此为主办机构联络参赛者的唯一渠道,参赛者应检视其电邮收件箱(包括垃圾邮件箱)。
  14. 奖品将以欧元,以现金形式,透过电汇发放至得奖者的银行帐户。当主办机构向得奖者发出电邮通知,得奖者须于该电邮日期的一个月内,向主办机构提供以下资料:身份证明文件副本,以及得奖者为帐户唯一持有人的银行帐户资料。如得奖者未能在此期限内提供所需资料,该得奖者将被视为放弃奖品,主办机构保留撤回奖品的权利。现金奖品将在主办机构收到所有所需资料后两星期内汇入上述银行帐户。
  15. 得奖者有责任在提供接受奖品资料时,提交正确及最新的详细资料。对于任何因得奖者未能提供准确资料而影响奖品接收或发放的情况,主办机构或赞助机构均不会承担任何责任。
  16. 现金奖品将以欧元发放,得奖者须提供以欧元计价帐户的资料,以获得现金奖品。否则,欧元现金奖品将以汇款当日应用的汇率,兑换成得奖者银行帐户的计价货币,因此,有可能会受汇率波动、税项及其他适用的费用和收费影响。
  17. 主办机构将负担汇款费用,惟得奖者将负担(如有)其他相关费用和税金、帐户所属银行收取的衍生费用,及其他银行所在地因相关财务程序产生的费用。主办机构将在完成汇款后通知得奖者,但得奖者收取现金奖品的时间可能取决帐户所属银行的处理流程和其所在地的财务程序。
  18. 主办机构保留权利核实得奖者并要求提供身份、年龄、地址和其他资料证明,并在有合理理由认为存在违反条款及细则的情况下撤回奖品。
  19. 主办机构、赞助机构,及其关联公司保留权利将提交的作品全部或部分复制、发布、或使用,包括但不限于推广宣传、展览、教育用途,而毋须取得参赛者之同意或缴付任何费用。
  20. 参赛者同意其作品,以及其姓名及所提交的文字说明,可能会于网上作品展中供公众浏览,而不会获缴付任何费用。
  21. 参赛者参加比赛,即授权主办机构、赞助机构及其关联公司在全球范围内,有永久的、不可撤销的、非独占的、可转让的、免版税的、可转授的权利和许可,以使用、复制、修改、改编、发布或展示(全部或部分)其作品中包含的任何知识产权,而无需版税、付款或其他补偿。每位参赛者均同意不再主张对此类使用享有任何精神权利,并保证他们拥有授予此等权利的全部权利。
  22. 主办机构保留解释及修订比赛规则,和条款及细则的权利,而毋须作事先通知。
  23. 参赛作品一经递交,即表示参赛者同意遵守比赛的条款及细则。
  24. 所收集之个人资料只供比赛之用,包括但不限于联络参赛者及发放奖品,资料(包括参赛者的个人资料)将由主办机构于比赛结束后保留六个月,之后会被销毁。
  25. 如果发生超出主办机构合理控制范围并妨碍主办机构遵守条款和细则的行为、遗漏、事件或情况,主办机构将不对任何未能履行或延迟履行其义务承担责任。
  26. 对于系统错误或其他可能导致接收参赛作品及/或向得奖者发送通知或奖品的中断、延迟或失败的问题,主办机构不承担任何责任。
  27. 如本条款及细则的任何条款被确定为非法、无效或无法执行,则应将其从本条款及细则中分离和删除,其余条款及细则将继续有完全效力。
  28. 主办机构和赞助机构保留权利,在其合理控制范围以外的任何不可预见情况或技术原因下,取消、修改、撤回、终止或暂时中止比赛,而毋须对任何参赛者或第三方承担任何责任。
  29. 如条款与细则与任何其他通讯(包括但不限于广告或推广材料)有任何冲突或不一致,将以条款及细则为准。参赛者将被视为已接受并受此等条款及细则所约束。
  30. 如条款及细则的英文版本与其他翻译版本存有歧异,均以英文版本为准。
  31. 如比赛引发的任何争议(包括但不限于有关条款及细则的解释和适用的争议),主办机构的决定将是最终的、决定性的和具有约束力。
  32. 比赛和条款及细则,以及由此产生的任何争议,均受香港法律和香港法院的非专属管辖。

Terms and conditions
  1. Participants must provide true and accurate information on the entry form. Fingertips Company Limited (the “Organiser”) reserves the right to disqualify any entries in cases where, in our opinion, any information provided is inaccurate or has been omitted.
  2. To be eligible for participation, participants must be aged 18 or above as of 19 May 2024.
  3. Employees of Allianz Global Investors Asia Pacific Limited (the “Sponsor”) and/ or its affiliates, the Organiser and/ or its affiliates, and all those living in the same households as those employees are not eligible to participate in the competition.
  4. All entries must be original, submitted on an individual basis, and have not been previously published on any occasion. An entry will be disqualified if the participant is considered by the Organiser to have committed plagiarism, infringement of copyrights and/or violation of any laws.
  5. Any entries that the Organiser considers, in its sole and absolute discretion, that it contains material that is dangerous, vulgar, offensive, indecent, obscene, illegal, racist, pornographic, violent, defamatory, disparaging, inappropriate, controversial or that promotes political interests will be disqualified.
  6. Entry into the competition is at the participant’s sole risk. To the extent permitted by law, none of the Organiser and the Sponsor accepts any responsibility for any damage, loss, liabilities, costs, expenses or claims (whether in contract, tort or otherwise) suffered by participants or any third parties arising out of or in connection with the competition and/or accepting a prize.
  7. No entry fee is required. However, participants are solely responsible for all expenses incurred in preparing and submitting their work(s).
  8. Each participant may submit up to a maximum of three (3) works, but would only be entitled to one of the prizes. Additional or late entries will not be accepted.
  9. No substitution of work will be allowed under any circumstances once the entry has been submitted to the competition.
  10. Incomplete, illegible, misdirected or late entries will not be accepted. Proof of sending will not be accepted as proof of delivery or receipt. No responsibility can be accepted for entries that are incomplete, lost due to technical reasons, corrupted, delayed, wrongly delivered, or not received for whatsoever reason.
  11. If it becomes apparent that a participant is using any means to circumvent the above conditions such as, and without limitation, multiple email accounts, multiple reproduced or computer-generated entries, using multiple identities, fraudulently falsifying data, acting fraudulently or dishonestly in the opinion of the Organiser or otherwise acting in violation of these Terms and Conditions, these participants will be disqualified, and any prize entitlement will be void.
  12. The results of the competition are subject to the final decision of the panel of judges. No objections by participants will be entertained. The Organiser retains the right at its sole and absolute discretion to revoke the participants’ or their works’ qualifications and/or withdraw their prizes.
  13. The result of the competition will be announced by 30 September 2024 and the Organiser will notify the winners by email via the email address provided by the participant at the point of entry. Participants must provide a valid email address as this is the sole channel for the Organiser to contact the participants. Participants should check their email inbox (including the junk and spam mail folders).
  14. The prize will be presented in form of cash in Euro by wiring to the winners’ bank account. Once the Organiser has sent out notifications of prize-winners by email, the winners need to provide the following information to the Organiser within one (1) month from the date of the Organiser’s email: a copy of their identification document together with the bank account details of an account where the winners are the sole account holders. If a winner fails to provide the required information within this timeframe, such winner will be deemed to have waived the entitlement to the prize and the Organiser reserves the right to withdraw prize entitlement. Once the Organiser has received all the required information, the cash prize will be remitted to the bank account mentioned above within 2 weeks.
  15. It is the responsibility of a winner to provide correct, up-to-date details when providing their information for the acceptance of the prize. None of the Organiser or the Sponsor can be held responsible for any winners failing to supply accurate information which affects prize acceptance or delivery of their prize.
  16. The cash prize will be issued in Euros. Winners should provide details of their bank account denominated in Euro to receive the cash prize. Otherwise, the cash prize in Euros will be converted into the denominating currency of the winners’ bank account at the exchange rate applicable on the date of the remittance and may therefore be subject to exchange rate fluctuations, taxes and other applicable fees and charges.
  17. The Organiser will be responsible for all remittance fees, while the winners will be responsible for, if any, other relevant fees and taxes, derivative costs charged by the account holding bank and other charges arising from the relevant financial procedures in the location of the bank. The Organiser will notify winners when the remittance process has been completed, but the time at which winners receive their cash prize may be subject to the administration process of the account holding bank and the financial procedures operating in their specific locations.
  18. The Organiser reserves the right to verify winners and ask for proof of identity, age, address and other information provided by the participants and to withdraw prize entitlement where there are reasonable grounds to believe there has been a breach of these Terms and Conditions.
  19. The Organiser, the Sponsor and their affiliates reserve the right to copy, publicise or make use of the submitted works in full or in part and in any form, including but not limited to promotion, exhibition, education purposes, without the consent of the participants or payment of fees of any kind.
  20. Participants agree that their works may be put on display in a virtual exhibition for public viewing, together with their names and the short description provided without any fee being payable.
  21. By entering the competition, each participant grants the Organiser, the Sponsor and their affiliates a world-wide, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, transferable, royalty free and sub-licensable right and licence to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish or display (in whole or in part) any intellectual property contained in the content of their works, without royalty, payment or other compensation. Each participant agrees not to assert any moral rights in relation to such use and warrants that they have full authority to grant such rights.
  22. The Organiser reserves the right to interpret and amend the rules, and the Terms and Conditions of the competition, without prior notice.
  23. Upon submission of entries, participants agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions of the competition.
  24. All information collected by the Organiser is for the purpose of the competition only, including but not limited to, contacting participants and distributing prizes. The information (including the personal information of participants) will be kept for six (6) months by the Organiser after the end of the competition, after which it will be deleted.
  25. If an act, omission, event or circumstance occurs which are beyond the reasonable control of the Organiser and which prevents the Organiser from complying with these Terms and Conditions, the Organiser will not be liable for any failure to perform or delay in performing its obligation.
  26. The Organiser accepts no responsibility for system errors or other issues that may result in disruption to, delay or failure in receiving entries and/or sending notifications or prizes to winners.
  27. If any clause of these Terms and Conditions should be determined to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable then it shall be severed and deleted from these Terms and Conditions and the remaining clauses shall survive and remain in full force and effect.
  28. The Organiser and the Sponsor reserves the right to cancel, amend, withdraw, terminate or temporarily suspend this competition in the event of any unforeseen circumstances or technical reason outside their reasonable control, with no liability to any applicants or third parties.
  29. These Terms and Conditions prevail in the event of any conflict or inconsistency with any other communications, including without limitation, advertising or promotional materials. Participants will be deemed to have accepted and be bound by these Terms and Conditions.
  30. In the event of any inconsistency between the English and translated versions in these Terms and Conditions, the English version will prevail.
  31. In the event of any dispute in respect of or arising from the Competition (including without limitation, dispute concerning the interpretation and application of these Terms and Conditions), the decision of the Organiser will be final, conclusive, and binding.
  32. The competition and these Terms and Conditions, and any disputes arising therefrom, shall be subject to Hong Kong law and the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts.

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